Meghan & Barrett - October 2023 Part 1

Meghan contacted me in February 2022 about photographing her Fall 2023 wedding celebration and let me just preface this by saying, it was the longest 20 month wait for a wedding EVER! As the months ticked by, the plans slowly came together and the entire weekend lived up to every bit of anticipation.

I will spare you all the play-by-play because I could write an entire essay on this 3-day weekend of activities but I know you are just ready to get to all the pretty pictures. We started the weekend of celebration off by hiking Glymur Falls. Meghan did her hair trial in Reykjavik before we set out to the trailhead (but not before having to swap out rental cars in a last minute panic). I approached the hike with a mix of documentary photos and some lightly posed scenic overlooks which made for a very relaxed and enjoyable day. We didn't make it all the way up to the much anticipated 2nd river crossing but had a gorgeous out and back hike along the righthand side of the falls.

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Sunset at Arnarstapi Cliffs

We high tailed it back to the car because we were on a MISSION to catch the sunset at Arnarstapi Cliffs! It was a little over a 2hr drive between locations but this ultimately put us closer to the hotel where the wedding would take place later that weekend. The drive out along the peninsula is absolutely stunning, filled with ocean on one side and mountains and horse pastures on the other side. We jumped out and in hopes of finding the natural bridge, we ended up finding another cliff that ended up being even more perfect. After ducking under a small rope, we explored the seaside cliff as the sun slowly dipped into the ocean behind us. We continued to shoot into blue hour and wrapped up with a delicious dinner at Arnarstapi Hotel where I had some absolutely amazing fish and chips and a cold beer to conclude a long and epic day.

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